This is the area where I will keep you updated with my latest developments.

Bear in mind though, as mentioned before, as I am constructing all the artwork and models myself, it may be a while before a game is fully developed and ready.

I will always try to release a demo a.s.a.p

Latest Game under development : RESISTANCE GROUP

Storyline: Resistance Group episode one ,. Relocation. After a bitter battle with the Starg first army, resistance group are forced to find a new home. However it seems data the only available planet has remains of a previous occupation still in place. You must help to clear the remaining defense towers our hopes go with you....good luck....
This is one of the automated turrets in development, very nasty and must be avoided, a quick kill is required.
The actual level during construction...
Example of programming code for the missile launch function of the spaceship
Your spaceship, (based on the Star-Fury from babylon 5).
Intro set-up screen...